Effect of bovine subclinical mastitis on milk production and economic performance of Brazilian dairy farms
Subclinical mammary infections, Alteration of milk composition, Indirect cost, Milk loss, Financial lossAbstract
This review summarized the significant results from Brazilian studies published in peer-reviewed scientific papers about the effect of bovine subclinical mastitis (SM) on economic performance and milk production. Different approaches were considered for (i) disease detection (indirect measurement of somatic cell count (SCC) and directly using microbiological culture) and (ii) milk sampling strategy (mammary quarters, composite cow samples, and bulk milk tank). Globally, bovine mastitis is the most common disease of dairy herds, and the subclinical presentation is the most frequent. Dairy farmers usually underestimate the economic losses associated with SM because no visual changes in milk and quarters, udder, and systemic symptoms are observed. SM reduces milk yield and quality, reducing dairy herds’ profitability. The estimation of losses depends on the causative pathogen, the lactation stage, and the parity of affected cows. Thus, estimating the economic caused by SM in milk production and economic performance in dairy herds can be used to decide which mastitis control strategies to adopt. Mastitis control involves adopting specific measures associated with the characteristics of each herd, the period of the highest frequency of cases, the transmission form, and the profile of the pathogens involved in cases of intramammary infection. Thus, using individual SCC, the microbiological identification of pathogens causing SM, adopting efficient drying-off protocols, and other management practices are essential for mastitis control, improved milk quality, and greater profitability of dairy herds.
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