Theather fabrication of the symbol-body in motion: thinking of communication through a performative approach - Weltanschauung, kraft and transformation


  • Beta M. X. Reis Universidade Federal de Goiás



Performance, Body, Symbol, Ritual, Perception


Bodies are fabricated through symbolic performances, taking restored behavior, Kraft (affections) and a performed and dynamic Weltanschauung. I focus on communicational aspect of bodies in fieldwork with Grupo Sonhus Teatro Ritual (Goiânia – GO, 2016-2017). My participant observation performance encompasses learning the group's craft. I proposed a concept: symbol-body, along with a Weltanschauung, and beyond the dichotomy between body and mind. Perceptions are taken as actions here, and so are discourses. Such bodies seek to transform their environment and this paper wants: a) to show how a performative framework of analysis can help and b) to expand the ways we understand bodies and communication.



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Author Biography

  • Beta M. X. Reis, Universidade Federal de Goiás

    Born in Goiânia, Brazil, non-binary person, poet and artist, Master in Social Anthropology by Federal University of Goiás with the thesis “Transforma-se o corpo para o corpo transformar o meio - corpos de teatro em fabricação com o Grupo Sonhus Teatro Ritual”.


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Articles and Essays

How to Cite

Reis, R. M. X. (2020). Theather fabrication of the symbol-body in motion: thinking of communication through a performative approach - Weltanschauung, kraft and transformation. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 29(2), e169731.