The unsustainable frontiers of the journalistic field


  • Fabrício Santos de Mattos Instituto Universitário de Lisboa



Digital Journalism, Startups, Field boundaries, Quantitative and qualitative research


Beyond Journalism is a book resulting from comparative research conducted on the culture of journalistic startups in the world. It is a work that unites qualitative and quantitative network research on the transient boundaries of journalism today. The authors support the thesis that journalism currently has a fluid boundary and is in a process of transition from a coherent industry, especially after the shift to the digital environment and the advent of startups and small and medium-sized journalistic companies. At the same time, the authors discuss the limits and contradictions of the culture of startups. They offer a critical view of entrepreneurship as a solution for journalism and show how these journalists live in a precarious work environment with layoffs, lack of career structure, accumulation of functions, overtime, excessive workload, and the lack of a distinction between personal and professional life. Therefore, this is not a book about content but a work about people and professionals and about journalism as a community that often confuses personality with profession.


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Author Biography

  • Fabrício Santos de Mattos, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

    PhD student in Communication Sciences at the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL). Master in Sociology from the State University of Ceará (UECE), Postgraduate in Data Analysis in Social Sciences (ISCTE-IUL). His doctoral thesis is on the Platformization of News, analyzing the integration of Portuguese journalistic media in the digital environment, with articles published on the subject.


DEUZE, Mark; WITSCHGE, Tamara. Beyond Journalism. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2020.



How to Cite

Mattos, F. S. de . (2023). The unsustainable frontiers of the journalistic field. Revista Extraprensa, 16(2), 295-301.