Notes on the role of immersive sound in contemporary cinema




Immersion, Sound studies, Sound design, Multisensory, Synesthesia


The main objective of this article is to examine the role of sound in the stylistic strategies of contemporary filmmakers, related to expanding the multisensory engagement of viewers in films through immersive techniques, an emerging trend in the 21st century. The article starts from a conceptual review of the idea of ​​immersion in cinema, discusses the innate potential of the cinematographic device for immersion, and analyzes scenes from many films from the last 50 years, describing and discussing some of the main stylistic tools used by sound designers to build or enhance the sense of sensory immersion through sound.


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Author Biography

  • Rodrigo Carreiro, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

    Rodrigo Carreiro is a professor in the Post-graduate Program in Social Communications Pernambuco Federal University. He holds a PhD and a Masters in Social Communication at the same school, with a post-doctoral internship at Universidade Federal Fluminense (RJ). He researches on horror cinema, cinematographic genres, audiovisual stylistics and sound design.


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How to Cite

Carreiro, R. (2023). Notes on the role of immersive sound in contemporary cinema. MATRIZes, 17(1), 115-140.