The Conductor as Performer: Relevant Aspects in the Relationship Conductor-Work




Orchestral Conducting, Choral Conducting, Musical Performance, Performance Science


Considering the subjectivity of the interpersonal character inherent to conducting activity, as well as its indirect relationship with the effective sound production, the study of conducting procedures constitutes one of the most relevant challenges in the musical performance science. In view of the studies’ concentration towards gesture technique, this paper proposes to focus specifically on the relationship conductor-work issues, which show themselves capable of revealing, in a more evident way, the performative dimension of the conductor as interpreter.


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Author Biography

  • Luciano Camargo, Universidade Federal de Roraima

    Luciano Camargo holds a bachelor's degree in music with a degree in Regency from the University of São Paulo (1998), a master's degree (2012) and a doctorate (2017) in music from the same institution. He works in the music field as conductor of orchestra and choir, with emphasis on the vocal-symphonic and operatic repertoire. He was director of sacred music at Kantorei St. Peter und Paul (Freiburg im Breisgau - Germany) and Artistic Director of the Academic Orchestra of São Paulo and of the Choir of the City of São Paulo. He is currently professor of conducting in the Music Course at the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR).


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How to Cite

The Conductor as Performer: Relevant Aspects in the Relationship Conductor-Work. (2020). Revista Música, 20(2), 1-16.