Architecture and Urbanism, transdisciplinary knowledge/work?




Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism, Complexity, Space


The article defends the transdisciplinarity as innate to architecture and urbanism. There are presented historical revisits to the theory of discipline and theoretical contributions that demonstrate a common relationship with other fields of knowledge and human work. In particular, it’s based on the theory of Françoise Choay to suggest the obfuscation of this transdisciplinarity by a theoretical-spatial objectification occurred during the Modern Era. But transdisciplinarity that is being rescued today by the idea of ​​“Expanded Field”. This discussion is illustrated with criticisms to the recent appropriation of the transdisciplinary concept of Autopoiesis by the architect Patrik Schumacher, who, nevertheless, develops a theoretical systematization with unilateral disciplinary tendencies. And for these analyzes, excerpts are taken from Sciences of Complexity, where is the concept of Autopoiesis, and from Phenomenology.


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Author Biographies

  • Alison Jorge Alves do Carmo, Federal University of Pernambuco

    Architect and urbanist, PhD student at the Post-Graduation in Urban Development at the Federal University of Pernambuco (MDU-UFPE) and researcher at the Research Laboratory of Space in Architecture (LIA-UFPE).

  • Maria de Jesus de Britto Leite, Federal University of Pernambuco

    Architect and urbanist, doctor and professor in the undergraduate course of Architecture and Urbanism and in the Postgraduate Program in Urban Development at Federal University of Pernambuco (MDU-UFPE). She is researcher at the Research Laboratory of Space in Architecture (LIA-UFPE).


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Papers and Essays

How to Cite

Carmo, A. J. A. do, & Leite, M. de J. de B. (2021). Architecture and Urbanism, transdisciplinary knowledge/work?. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 19, 1-15.