The color of MUSIC: there is a metaphysics in Hélio Oiticica


  • Paula Braga Universidade Federal do ABC



Hélio Oiticica, metaphysics, body


The artist metaphysics of Hélio Oiticica departs from the body to arrive at MUSIC, which he defines as a form of experience and art making beyond the own body and beyond art. In the text “O q Faço é MÚSICA” (What I do is MUSIC), Oiticica defines the term, written MUSIC as a world-totality that in other texts he represents by the image of the galaxy, with its bright points, and by the concept of World-Shelter, an aesthetic space that is filled by inventions from artists from many places and eras and, despite being discussed as space, it floats around the material world and time, as if it were another dimension. This article analyses the work of Hélio Oiticica in the light of the idea of expanding art towards MUSIC.


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Author Biography

  • Paula Braga, Universidade Federal do ABC

    Paula Braga é professora na Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC). Com pós-doutorado pelo Instituto de Artes da Unicamp, é doutora em Filosofia pela Universidade de São Paulo e mestre em História da Arte pela University of Illinois em Urbana-Champaign, nos Estados Unidos. Publicou o capítulo “Anos 60: descobrir o corpo” no livro Sobre a arte brasileira (WMF Martins Fontes, 2015) e é autora de Hélio Oiticica: singularidade, multiplicidade (Perspectiva, 2013). Organizou o livro Fios soltos: a arte de Hélio Oiticica (Perspectiva, 2008) e é cocuradora da exposição “Hélio Oiticica: estrutura corpo cor” (Fortaleza: Universidade de Fortaleza, jan./maio 2016).






How to Cite

The color of MUSIC: there is a metaphysics in Hélio Oiticica. (2017). ARS, 15(30), 49-62.