Agripina é Roma-Manhattan, beautiful quasi-movie of HO


  • Rubens Machado Junior Universidade de São Paulo



Hélio Oiticica, udigrudi cinema, Brazilian supereightism, art-life, neo-concretism, Aesthetic of Dream


It doesn’t make any sense to waste time with discussions about the work shot in Wall Street, 1972, being or not being unfinished, considering the film we have been seeing since 1992 (in almost all the artist’s retrospectives around the world) as an experimental oeuvre conceived from the supereightist practice of that decade beginning. We consider in this analysis its relation with this experience matrix, and the artist’s fruitful dialogue not only with his country’s previous cinema but also with his culture, politics, art and literature reactivated from the previous century.


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Author Biography

  • Rubens Machado Junior, Universidade de São Paulo

    Rubens Machado Júnior é formado pela Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo [FAU-USP], doutor pela Escola de Comunicação e Artes [USP], onde é livre-docente, lecionando história, análise e crítica do audiovisual. Participa da edição das revistas Cine-Olho, L’ArmateurInfos Brésil, Praga, Sinopse e Rebeca. Autor de São Paulo em movimento [Alameda, no prelo]; organizou entre outros, Walter Benjamin: Experiência histórica e imagens dialéticas [Unesp, 2015]. Integrou o Conselho do Paço das Artes e do MISSP. Curadoria dos projetos “Marginália 70: o experimentalismo no super-8 brasileiro” [Itaú Cultural] e "Experimental media in Latin America" [Los Angeles Filmforum – Getty Foundation]. Conselheiro na Socine, onde criou o seminário Cinema como arte, e vice-versa.






How to Cite

Machado Junior, R. (2017). Agripina é Roma-Manhattan, beautiful quasi-movie of HO. ARS, 15(30), 161-180.