Tackling Cubism: Carl Einstein, Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler and Vincenc Kramář





cubism, form, vision, art theory


Three central texts on Cubism written in the first decades of the 20th century distinguish themselves by the effort of following the discoveries and formulations of Picasso, Braque, Leger and Juan Gris in an original way. The authors, Carl Einstein, Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler and Vincenc Kramář, made creative readings of Cubism and defended the painters’ quest for establishing new understandings of space based on experience. They discarded the metaphysical conception of space as an indication of spiritual value, strove to avoid descriptions based on feelings, understood the experience of art from the interpenetration of physical and psychic elements. Here are some characteristics of these three texts.


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Author Biography

  • Elena O'Neill, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    Elena O’Neill é arquiteta, doutora em História da Arte pela Puc-Rio com a tese “Carl Einstein: por uma outra leitura da forma” (2013). Atualmente faz pós-doutorado no Instituto de Artes da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (CAPES/PNPD). Entre suas contribuções mais recentes está Carl Einstein e a arte da África (EdUERJ, 2015), editado junto com Roberto Conduru, e “A escrita atuante de Carl Einstein”, publicada na revista Topoi (v. 17, n. 32, 2016).






How to Cite

O'Neill, E. (2017). Tackling Cubism: Carl Einstein, Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler and Vincenc Kramář. ARS, 15(31), 85-102. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2178-0447.ars.2017.138527