Negative authority


  • David Graeber London School of Economics
  • Renato Martelli Soares Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Leonardo Viana Braga Universidade de São Paulo



Which are the legitimate forms of authority in Madagascar? Graeber says that elders and ancestors are seen as legitimate authorities because they are not seen as kings (who give orders), and who intervene in the lives of others by saying what not to do –not what to do. This "negative authority" is a system full of ambivalence that must be regarded in the light of the merina descent groups to be understood.


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Dossiê: David Graeber. Uma etnografia da autoridade

How to Cite

Graeber, D. (2023). Negative authority (R. M. Soares & L. V. Braga , Trans.). Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 32(2), e215736.