The spectre of David Graeber - or of Madagascar about him. Comments on the translation issue


  • Guilherme Falleiros Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul





Presentation by Guilherme Falleiros to the special issue David Graeber: an ethnography of authority. This special section is composed of translations of five articles translated by Leonardo Viana Braga and Renato Martinelli with the revision of Luiz Gustavo Pradella; the review by Bruno Huyer of the book "Pirate Enlightenment, or the Real Libertalia" and a photographic essay by Nika Dubrovsky.


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Dossiê: David Graeber. Uma etnografia da autoridade

How to Cite

Falleiros, G. (2023). The spectre of David Graeber - or of Madagascar about him. Comments on the translation issue. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 32(2), e218597.