Back to culture. Semiotics and its anthropological turns




Anthropology , Semiotics, Culture, Ontologies, Believing


This article aims at discussing the project of semiotics of culture on the basis of the contacts between the semiotics of Greimas and anthropology. In the 1960s, differences between Greimas and Lévi-Strauss led semiotics to abandon its ambitions to study culture. In the past few years, post-greimassian semiotics, oriented toward practices and experience, initiated new relationships with anthropology, especially Descola’s and Latour’s works, in order to rethink the notion of culture from the viewpoint of collectives and ontologies. Against the current research trend, we defend the position that the project of semiotics of culture already exists within structural anthropology. As the heir of linguistic methods applied to the ethnographic field and its openness to both formal analysis and cognitive theories, it seems to offer a steady and sufficient frame to analyze cultures. At the crossroads of Greimas’, Lotman’s and Lévi-Strauss’ approaches, structural theory in anthropology and semiotics seems still topical and could be applied to new fields of research such as “cyber-cultures”.


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Author Biographies

  • Ludovic Chatenet, Université Bordeaux Montaigne

    Chercheur associé au Laboratoire de recherche MICA de l’Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France.

  • Angelo Di Caterino, Université de Limoges. Centre de Recherches Sémiotiques

    Chercheur associé au CeReS (Centre de Recherches Sémiotiques), Université de Limoges, France.


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How to Cite

Chatenet, L., & Di Caterino, A. (2021). Back to culture. Semiotics and its anthropological turns. Estudos Semióticos, 17(2), 68-85.