Forms of gastronomic camouflage: veridiction in the kitchen




Gastronomy, Camouflage, Discursive semiotics, Veridiction


In this essay, we analyse the regimes of truth and the forms of culinary camouflage inscribed in some signature dishes by several well-known Italian chefs, whose work is emblematic of the various fictional trends in gastronomy. In doing so, we will keep in mind the so-called semiotic square of veridiction that discursive semiotics has been proposing and using for some time. The analysis reveals how the gastronomic discourse of the Italian haute cousine produces effects of illusion, secrecy, falsehood and truth. The concurrence of these veridiction modes allows for an explicit model which accounts for the various styles of camouflage and thus describes current tendencies in contemporary cuisine.


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Biografia do Autor

  • Gianfranco Marrone, Palermo University

    Semiotics Professor at Palermo University, Palermo, Italy.


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Como Citar

Marrone, G. . (2022). Forms of gastronomic camouflage: veridiction in the kitchen. Estudos Semióticos, 18(2), 159-172.