Therapeutics of insistence: the experimental music scene and the use of trance mediated by music as therapy against malady caused by the São Paulo ethos




Ethnomusicology, Experimental music, Trance, Therapeutic practices, Urban pathologies


This article addresses how participants of the experimental music scene in São Paulo perform therapeutic practices through the performances that occur there. The therapy consists in using music as a form of mediation in search of trance, to treat states such as anxiety or urban blasé demeanor, which can become a problem. These “maladies” are caused by the city ethos, a vector that imposes the need to adapt to a way of life they disagree with. Finally, the degree of proximity between the performer and the public affects the degree of efficacy of the intended therapy, inferring that treatments like these can be recurrent among marginalized groups, allowing them to insist on a way of life parallel to the predominant ethos.


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Author Biography

  • Renato Albuquerque de Oliveira, Universidade de São Paulo

    Master’s student in Semiotics and General Linguistics and Bachelor in Social Sciences at the Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas at Universidade de São Paulo. He is specialized in History of Science at Instituto Butantan. Develops research on the intersemiotic processes used in the sound evocations contained in ethnographic writing, taking Tristes tropiques as example. He conducted research among musicians from the experimental scene in São Paulo, pixadores from the same city and about the possibility of using traditional therapeutic knowledge in scientific medicine. He directed and wrote the movie Eu sou, which received an honorable mention at the Mariza Corrêa Award for Visual Anthropology in 2018. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Oliveira, Renato Albuquerque de. 2020. “Therapeutics of Insistence: The Experimental Music Scene and the Use of Trance Mediated by Music As Therapy Against Malady Caused by the São Paulo Ethos”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 5 (1).