Cosmocolours – a performance with films of Brazilian incorporations and a conversation with the spirit Preta Velha Vo Cirina


  • Barbara Glowczewski Collège de France. Laboratório de Antropologia Social
  • Clarissa Alcântara



Performance, Umbanda, Florianopolis, Anthropology of Performance, Schizoanalysis


During the performance Cosmocouleurs (Cosmocolours), presented at the exhibition La Bête et l’Adversité (The Beast and Adversity), in Geneva in 2015, the French anthropologist Barbara Glowczewski proposed a visual experience, confronting her 1979 films of Australian rituals (Totemic Becomings, São Paulo, 2015 and Desert Dreamers, Minneapolis, 2016), with umbanda rituals that she filmed in Brazil, in 2013 and 2015. She invited Clarissa Alcantara – Brazilian performance artist, philosopher and also squizoanalytical therapist trained in Deleuze and Guattari studies– to create a performative dance, where images made during a session of Exu (with a recording of dances by the participants in a state of incorporation by Orixás and other entities) would be projected onto her, such as might be done onto an animated screen.. The film maker Sandra Alves filmed this part of the performance, a 6’ video Cosmocores here provided 3 . The second part of the text is a transcription of a conversation between the anthropologist and the spirit Vó Cirina (Grandma Cirina), an old Black woman (Preta Velha) incorporated in Abílio Noé da Silveira, the babalorixá of the Tenda Espírita Vó Cirina in Florianópolis (Brazil), who accepted the process of the Geneva performance.

Performance Cosmocores from LISA - Antropologia on Vimeo.


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Author Biographies

  • Barbara Glowczewski, Collège de France. Laboratório de Antropologia Social
    Professorial Researcher (directrice de recherche) at the Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Sociale (CNRS/EHESS/Collège de France : Adjunct  Professor at James Cook University, Australia. Barbara Glowczwski is an anthropologist specializing in Australian Indigenous issues, strategies of recognition and networks shared with other Indigenous peoples and populations displaced by colonisation. Fieldwork in Central Australia with the Warlpiri people from Lajamanu (regular since 1979), in the Kimberley with the Yawuru and Djugun people and their neighbours (in the 1990’s and 2014) and in Townsville (2004-2014) on social justice (including the death in custody inquest of Cameron Doomadgee 2004, and the committal hearing of people arrested for the « riot » that followed on Palm Island, see Warriors for peace. Started field research in Brazil in 2013, filming an Umbanda tenda spirita in Florianopolis. Author of 18 books (Desert Dreamers, Minneapolis, Univocal, 2016, Totemic Becomings.Cosmopolitics of the Dreaming, Sao Paulo, n-1, 2015), numerous articles and multimedia productions (in collaboration with Warlpiri artists from Lajamanu.
  • Clarissa Alcântara

    PhD (FAPESP) in Clinical Psychology at the Program of Postgraduate Studies, Subjectivity Studies Center, PUC/SP (2009-2011). Postdoctoral (CNPq) at the Center for Research in Computer Studies, Literature, Linguistics (NUPILL), area of Literary Theory, specializing in Digital Text Theory (Video / Performance), UFSC, SC (2006). PhD (2005) and Master´s degree (2000) in Literary Theory on Art of Performance, UFSC, SC; Stage Doctorat at the Université de Paris VII - Denis Diderot, France (2004). Graduated in Philosophy at the Federal University of Pelotas, UFPEL / RS (1997). Graduate Program Lato Sensu Institutional Analysis, Schizoanalysis, Schizodrama: Individuals Clinic. Groups, Organization and Social Networks, Gregorio Baremblitt Foundation / Félix Guattari Institute of Belo Horizonte, MG (2009-2011). He works in the areas of Philosophy, Theater, Literature and Schizoanalysis, with emphasis on Performance Art and Video Performance. Creator of the Theater “Desessência”, an artistic and clinical practice, where she develops theoretical and practical researches acting as a performer. Follows collaborative work within the team "Anthropology of perception" and the international laboratory TransOceanik. She was invited by Anna Barseguian and the philosopher Stefen Kristensen to do residence in Geneva, Switzerland, on the Utopian transdisciplinary artistic platform (November 2016 to February 2017), currently developing the research "Vers une phénoménologie des esprits".





Gesture, image and sounds

How to Cite

Glowczewski, Barbara, and Clarissa Alcântara. 2017. “Cosmocolours – a Performance With Films of Brazilian Incorporations and a Conversation With the Spirit Preta Velha Vo Cirina”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 2 (1).