Walking on moving grounds: art, participation, and urban space


  • Joana Dória de Almeida Universidade de São Paulo




Contemporary art, Participative art, Site-specific art, Intervention, Urban space


This article presents guiding concepts of critical reflection about participatory art in urban space, addressing the tensions between artistic practice in the expanded field and other spheres of social life. First, it deals with the motivations that, throughout the decade of 1960, drove artists to migrate out of museums and from the production of objects to the proposition of actions. It then addresses conceptual developments of the 1960s that echo in current experiences: relational aesthetics (Nicolas Bourriaud), participatory art (Claire Bishop), and site-specific art (Miwon Kwon). Finally, to construct a panoramic and up-to-date perspective of these practices in Brazil, it examines works of the artistic collectives OPAVIVARÁ! and OPOVOEMPÉ and the Lotes Vagos project, by artists Breno Silva and Louise Ganz.


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How to Cite

Almeida, J. D. de . (2023). Walking on moving grounds: art, participation, and urban space. Sala Preta, 22(3), 163-189. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-3867.v22i3p163-189