Call for pappers - Special issue: "Palestine in the context of colonialism"


CALL FOR ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS Special Issue: "Palestine in the Context of Colonialism"


In the last 100 days, the world has witnessed a "televised genocide," broadcast live by its own victims. Public discourse, as well as the streets, are filled with expressions of solidarity, critical stances against colonial hubris, and denunciations of unrestricted support from Western powers such as the United States. Additionally, the recent case brought by South Africa against Israel in the International Court of Justice in The Hague has further intensified the global dialogue.

Since the Nakba in 1948, an event marking the forced displacement of approximately 800,000 Palestinians from their lands and homes by Zionist militias, Palestinian people have been continuously displaced, expropriated, or martyred, in a prolonged process of ethnic cleansing later termed the "Ongoing Nakba" (Masalha, 2021; Pappé, 2016). Since 1948, Zionist policy has been a form of "necropolitics" (Mbembe, 2018), subjecting Palestinian individuals, their bodies, lands, homes, and lives to constant and ruthless brutality by the State of Israel.

The colonial expansion and occupation of the entire territory were envisaged from the onset as an ethnic cleansing project in Palestine (Pappé, 2016). Currently, the Palestinian occupation project continues with the expansion of settlements throughout the territory, whether in the Gaza Strip (as exemplified by the recent aggression) or in the West Bank, where Palestinians endure spatial and racial segregation, constituting an apartheid regime (HRW, 2021).

Beyond the borders, generations of Palestinian individuals have been born and raised as refugees in camps, such as those in Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Lebanon, or have moved to other countries in search of better living conditions and access to citizenship. Currently, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates that there are approximately 6 million Palestinian refugees (UNRWA, 2023). Existential conditions vary from country to country, but statelessness imposes difficulties wherever they are, often resulting in impoverishment, restricted social and geographical mobility, and, above all, the impossibility of returning to Palestine—a premise guaranteed by international law and UN Resolution 194.

In this context, numerous ethnographies have been produced on the violence committed against Palestinian people by the State of Israel, covering the expansion of settlement colonialism, the control of their bodies (biopolitics - Foucault, 2010; Mbembe, 2018), challenges to mobility, and orientalist, Islamophobic, or even anti-Arab narratives. At the same time, much has been said about the modes of Palestinian existence, their resistance, and the means of existence under occupation. Therefore, through dialogue with Brazilian ethnographies, we seek to understand, on the one hand, how occupation materializes in the existence of our interlocutors and their ways of (re)existing, both in Palestine and beyond its borders, encompassing Palestinian individuals in Brazil.

In this sense, this special issue aims to present the theme through anthropological analyses and ethnographies. We also consider the ethical and political commitment involved in anthropological production, aiming to contribute not only to scientific debate but also to new possible forms of world-building. Therefore, we welcome scholarly works that contribute with a critical perspective, addressing - directly or tangentially - the theme of the Zionist colonial occupation of Palestine and its effects (and resistance) on the Palestinian people and their territory.

Article and essay submissions will be accepted until March 22, 2024, exclusively through our website: Submissions must adhere to the submission guidelines of Cadernos de Campo Journal. Questions should be directed to the email:


FOUCAULT, Michel. 2010. Microfísica do poder. São Paulo: Edição Graal

MBEMBE, Achile. 2018. Necropolítica. Biopoder, Soberania, Estado de Exceção, Política de morte. São Paulo: n-1 edições.

HRW - Human Right Watch. 2021. Disponível em: Acessado em: Maio de 2021.

MASALHA, Nur. A expulsão dos palestinos: o conceito de “transferência” no pensamento político sionista 1882-1948. São Paulo: Editora Sundermann, 2021.

PAPPE, Illan. 2016. A limpeza étnica da Palestina. (traduzido por Luiz Gustavo Soares). São Paulo, Editora Sundermann.

UNRWA - United nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees in the near east. 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 Dez 2023