The Major in Educommunication and the new guidelines for the elementary school


  • Ismar de Oliveira Soares Universidade de São Paulo



Educommunication, Educommunicator, Communication management, Curriculum Guidelines, Public Policy Education.


It has just been installed in Brazil a new pedagogical proposal for undergraduate education, with two training centers, one at the University of São Paulo and another at the Federal University of Campina Grande, inaugurating, respectively,
a major and a bachelor’s degree in Educommunication. The new programs have come in a moment in which the National Council of Education published the new National Curriculum Guidelines
for Elementary School, opening a huge field of work for new professionals, in authorizing the school to share the task
of educating and caring with specialists from other areas, including those which regard to the relationships between
media and education. This issue of the journal celebrates such events and offers a series of articles involving concepts such
as communicative production, art, ethics, reception, consumption, education and censorship, a collaboration to understand the phenomenon of communication in its
relationship with educational practices.


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Author Biography

  • Ismar de Oliveira Soares, Universidade de São Paulo
    Professor titular do Departamento de Comunicações e Artes da ECA/USP. Coordenador do Núcleo de Comunicação e Educação (NCE). Membro do Pontifício Conselho para as Comunicações Sociais (Vaticano 2001-2009). Coordenador do Projeto Mídias na Educação, do MEC, para o Estado de São Paulo.



How to Cite

Soares, I. de O. (2011). The Major in Educommunication and the new guidelines for the elementary school. Comunicação & Educação, 16(1), 7-15.