The problematization of race in Mia Couto's literary production

a brief analysis of O outro pé da Sereia compared to Miriam Alves' production


  • Cintia Ribeiro Rocha Universidade de São Paulo



Civilizational values, Canon, Black enunciation


This article proposes an analytical and comparative reading of black African civilizational values ​​in the works of Mia Couto and Miriam Alves. Issues of race will be problematized to analyze the approximations and distances in the works of the two authors regarding the representations of the black people on the African continent and from a diasporic perspective. In this sense, it will be observed how the black enunciation in the work of the writer Miriam Alves dialogues with principles of Afro-centered community life.


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Dossiê n. 28: Produções contemporâneas que impactam o cenário literário

How to Cite

The problematization of race in Mia Couto’s literary production: a brief analysis of O outro pé da Sereia compared to Miriam Alves’ production . (2022). Revista Crioula, 28, 183-202.