The bottom of the well and motivations of censorship


  • Maria Cristina Castilho Costa Universidade de São Paulo



Censorship, theater, archives, ethnography of archives, communication.


This paper brings an analysis on the prior censorship process of the theater play The Well (O poço, 1950), by Helena Silveira, whose documents are filed in the Miroel Silveira Archives of ECA-USP. Going from the opposition between the aesthetical and political characteristics of the play, we can interpret the prohibition of The Well and of other works that critically
introduce and discuss the social reality aspects and facts. On one hand, the documents show us trends of a time and the status quo strength to what was innovative, transformative, provocative, unknown and unused by the half of the XXth century, under the influence of what was happening in the world. Censors were in search of those signals of subversion, of the ideology against the establishment, even if the artistic class in general was ready to resist. On the other hand, the proceedings
show us exchanges and influences among media, languages, authors and artists, introducing new imbrications that are not always recognized.


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Author Biography

  • Maria Cristina Castilho Costa, Universidade de São Paulo
    Doutora em Ciências Sociais (Antropologia Social) pela Universidade de São Paulo, onde é
    livre-docente em Ciências da Comunicação pela Escola de Comunicações e Artes. Atualmente é professora associada da Universidade de São Paulo, presidente da Comissão de Pesquisa da ECA/USP, coordenadora do Curso de Especialização Lato Sensu Gestão da Comunicação e editora da revista Comunicação & Educação.



How to Cite

Costa, M. C. C. (2011). The bottom of the well and motivations of censorship. Comunicação & Educação, 16(1), 33-43.